It having been resolved to propose to the House of Dele-
gates to amend the Act of Assembly for regulating the Militia
this Board finding by the Houses Message of the 18th
of March Instt by Mr Lloyd & Mr Muschamp that they Con-
ceive themselves to be in a very good State of Defence and
thereby seem to be averse from making any Alterations in
the said Law, refer the next Proposal to the next Assembly.
Came George Muschamp Esqr his Majesty's Receiver of the
District of Potowmack and his Excellency acquainting the
Board that upon his Accession to this Government not know-
ing to whom his Majesty's revenue of the 12d was paid, finding
the late Governour Nicholson to have taken Care of the 3d p
hhd upon occasion of some dissatisfaction given the said
Governour Nicholson by Mr Plater he had alsoe done the same
during the first year of his Governmt here but the sd Receivers
having given Security for their Places he was resolved to dis-
charge himself of it and lodge it in their Hands and accord-
ingly Mr Muschamp owned that his Excellency had repayed
him £39..3s..6d being what of the said 3d p Hhd had arisen in
his district for the year 1699
Came Mr Chiseldyne & 10 other members of the House
with the following Message vizt
May it please your Excellency
We return your Excellcy our humble Thanks for so freely
communicating to us your Design of going to England but
are heartily Sorry you find any uneasiness amongst us, which
should give you Cause to desire to be removed, from a People,
whom by your Constant Endeavour Candour & Integrity Pru-
dence and discreet Management of Affairs you have given a
compleat & Entire Satisfaction, which in Behalf of this Province
in general & Every Individual Person in our House in parti-
cular, We gratefully acknowledge, and pray God to bless you
and your good Lady, who also has been an eminent Example
of Religion and Virtue and particularly we pray God to bless
your hopeful children born among us to be an honour to their
native Country, for which Children's Sake we hope your Ex-
cellency will, when in England, bear a true respect to this Pro-
vince; if any Business arises from this Sessions towards Eng-
land we shall desire your Excellency's Favour and that you
p. 211
will Commend our Duty & Loyalty to our gracious Sovereign
whom God preserve. Your Excellencys
most humble Servants
Signed p order W Taylard Cl Del.
Sent to the House by Thomas Brooke Esqr and Col John
Hammond, His Excellency's Answer to the Houses Message
also the Bill prohibiting Horse racing on Saturdays
p. 212