venting future disadvantage to your Exncy and others by the
unreasonable bigness of Casque, We are prparing a Bill to
remedy it.
Signed p ordr W Taylard Cl Del.
May 6th 1700
The said Major Smith and Mr Hicks bring downe a Bill for
Quieting differences between the English and Indians which
was read the first & second tymes Lt Col Smallwood being
added according to his Exncys promise to the Indians
They also bring the following Ordinance viz.
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
May the 4th 1700.
The petition of Mr William Bladen having been here read
and considered and this Board finding that the petitioner has
been at Great Charge & trouble in procuring the printing
press Letters papers Inck printer &c. We do recomend the
same to the house for their Consideracon and Encouragemt, And
that for the Promotion thereof Ann Ordinance pass that after