with Bills of Exchange for thirty pounds sterl. by him to be
made use of the Sayd Wm Bladen to be accomptable to the
Country for soe much.
Bill empowering a Comittee to Assess and apportion the
public Levy this psent yeare &c: read the first and second
time & will pass,
Iames ffrisby and Robert Smith Esqrs enter the house and
Deliver the Honble Speaker the following Bills and ordinances.
Bill for impost of 3d p hhd addll Duty, Endorsed May 17th
Read and will pass with these amendments.
The duty to be raised and paid to his Maty: and appro-
pryated towards the Defraying the publick Charge of this
Comitted for amendment. Signed p order
W Bladen Cll: Councill.
The Bill for more Speedy obtaineing Execucons brought
Into the house endorsed. Assented to by his Excy and
W. Bladen Cll: Councill.
And the ordinance for building the powder house, En-
dorsed Viz;
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in
Assembly May 17th 1701.
It is thought that the roome proposed for the powder will
be too Little soe that there will not be roome to turne the
Therefore recomended to the house that it be twenty foot
long and fifteen foot wide and over jetted one foot on each
Signed p order W Bladen Clk: Councill.
Bill for impost of 3d p hhd addll duty &c: read againe with
the amendts desired and sent up to his Excy and Councill by
Maj. Wm Dent and Maf Jacob Lockerman.
Upon mocon made to the house by the publick Treasurer
on the Western Shoare, It is ordered by the house that Mr
Samll Young have full power to collect and receive all the
publick dues in tobacco being due in arreares for officers
mulkts on the Western Shore the sayd Young to be accompt-
able to the house for what he shall receive at the rate six
shillings p Cent.