been made him which was found to be justly due to him from
the publick and that they finde Mr Phillip Lynes peticon re-
ferred to the Assembly in lune 1692 was Granted and he re-
ferred to each mans pticular account according to his peticon
and it is their oppinion that it is not the publick's due to pay.
To which report this house Generally concurrs.
The peticon of lacob Reginer for removeing the publick
powder out of his house purchased of Jos. Hill, was here read
and considered.
This house conceives that Capt Richd Hill had formerly lett
the house in the peticon mentioned to the Countrey for a pub-
lick Store, for powder till such time they were better provided.
Therefore resolved that the publick powder be still lodged
there, till the Country shall be better provided with a more
convenient place for that purpose.
The house adjournes till tomorrow morning seven a Clock.
Saturday May 17th 1701.
The house mett againe, being called over with all prsent as
Read what was done yesterday
Bill for an addll Duty of 3d p hhd &c: read the second time
& will pass.
Bill for more Speedy obteyning Execucons brought into the
house engrossed. Assented to by the house Dell:
Proposed whether it be not necessary there be a comittee
appoynted by a Law for assessing and taxing the publick
levy this prsent yeare.
Resolved there be such a Comittee, and ordered that
Thomas Brooke and John Hamond Esqrs two of his Matys
Councill be added to such comittee and that the following
Gent members of this house be appointed viz:
Thos Smithson Esqre for Talbott County.
George Muschamp Esqre for St Maryes Citty.
Major John Lowe for St Maryes County.
Major Thomas Smith for Kent County.
Mr James Saunders and Mr Samll Young for Ann Arundll
Majr Walter Smith, for Calvert County.
Majr William Dent, for Charles County.
Mr John Hall, for Baltemore County
Collo John Thompson for Cecill County.
Mr Thomas Greenfield for Prince Georges County.
Major Thomas Ennalls, for Dorchester County, and Mr
John Bozman, for Somersett County.