sd Wm Barton otherwise the Indian man soe imprisoned make
Satisfaccon by Servitude to be adjudged by the Justice of the
sd County.
The honble Thomas Tench Esqr Collo John Addison James
ffrisby Esqr and Collo Jno Hammond enter the house and
Deliver the following Bills.
A Bill for Speedy obtaining Exe- cution &c: Ordinance about Indian assented to by his Excy
Lands the Govr and Councill.
And another Bill to incourage importeing of Coyne Like-
wise brought into the house with his Excys remarques there-
Which being read the sd bill is rejected.
A Bill for laying an imposicon of 3d p hhd upon Tobo &c.
Read the first time and ordered to be read againe to morrow
Voted whether this act shall endure for two or three yeares.
Carried by majority of votes that the same continue 3 yeares
and to the end of the next Sessions of Assembly which shall
happen after the end of the said 3 yeares
A Bill for preventing the abuses of horse Stealers &c.
Read and referred to the Consideracon of the next Sessions
of Assembly.
An Act for naturallizacon of Severall psons &c. Read and
assented to by the house.
An Act investing Land in Dorothy Stevens.
An Act investing Land in St James parrish. All three en-
grossed and assented to by the house of Dellegates.
And Ordered that Majr Wm Dent and Mr Phillo Loyd carry
the same to his Excy and Councill. They returne and say they
have delivered them.
James ffrisby and Francis Ienkins Esqrs from the honble
Councill enter the house and deliver the Speaker some Treatys
made with the Indians, which was ordered to be read to mor-
row morning.
Collo John Hammond and Collo Francis lenkins enter the
house and deliver the following
Acts, assented to by his Excy and Councill.
An Act for naturalizacon of severall persons.
An Act Investing Land in Dorothy Stevens.
An Act Investing Land in St James pish
The Comittee appointed to inspect and state the publick
accts of Mr Phill: Lynes enter the house and report as follows.
That in obedience to an order of this house they have in-
spected into the Iournalls of the Comittee of Acco since the
yeare of our Lord 1692, and doe find that all allowances have