They returne and say they Delivered the same.
An Answer to the Messages ordered this day to be pre-
pared is now read as followeth.
By the house of Delegates May 16th 1701.
This house haveing taken into consideration the three Mes-
sages Yesterday by Thomas Tench and John Addison Esqrs
one relateing to an Agent to be appointed in England to
Solicite &c. which was in this house read and debated.
It is resolved by the house that the further consideration
thereof be referred to the next Sessions of Assembly.
2dly Wherein his Excy Desires this house will considerately
concert whether the Rangers shall be continued or totally
disbanded, And thereupon carryed by Majority of voices that
the rangers be wholly Disbanded.
And likewise Resolved that there be noe more Comittee in
the Vacancy of Assembly.
As to the other message of the same day relateing to an
additionall Duty of 3d p hhd &c: It is Resolved that a bill be
prepared for advancemt of an additionall duty towards paymt
of the publick charge of the province.
Sent up to his Excy and Councill by Mr Robt Bradley and
Mr Thomas Hammond. They returne and say they have
Delivered the same.
The Comittee of Elections and priviledges enters the house
and reports as follows.
That they haveing Inspected into the Eleccons of the sev-
erall Countys and Citty of St Maryes, viz
The Citty of St Maryes afsd the County of Charles, the
County of Baltimore, the County of Talbott, the County of
Somersett, the County of Dorchester, the County of Prince
Georges, the County of Cecill, the County of Kent the
County of Ann Arundell and the County of Calvert, doe finde
eleccons for the Citty and the severall Counties afsd to be due
Elections and the psons to be fitt to sitt in the house of As-
sembly excepting Mr John Lecompt of Dorchester County
who hath been already offerred to the consideracon of the
After some debate in the house Concerning the matter
referred to their Consideracon it was resolved that Mr Jno
Lecompt was duly returned as a Burgess for Dorchester
Upon reading the peticon of Majr Wm Barton for allowance
of imprisonment fees of an Indian. It is Resolved that Prince
Georges County make Satisfaction of the Sheriffs fees to the