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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. I g


Saturday May 4th 1700

The Councill Sate present as yesterday.
Came the Reverend Dr Thos Bray, his Ldp the Rt honble and
Right Reverend the Lord Bp of Londons Comissary within
this province, and Says he becomes a Supplicant to this Board
on behalf of Major Edward Dorsey upon Acct of a Fine
imposed on him the last Session of Assembly, and Says he
does not Question the Justice of the Generall Assembly in
imposing that Fine; But forasmuch as the sd Major Dorsey
has a great Charge of a Wife & twelve Children the most of
them being very small, prays that his Exncy& the Genll Assem-
bly would extend their Charity either in remitting the said
Fine or otherwise easing the said Major Dorsey in the pay-
ment thereof, and desires that this his moving therein may
not be taken amiss being as he hopes a matter of Charity and
agreeable to his Function.
Upon which mocon of the said Dr Bray Major Dorseys
pet. was recomended by this Board to the Consideracon of the
house of Delegates.
The Petition of Mr James Stoddert about some Deere Skins
agreed to be pd by the Piscattaway Indians for his negro killed
by unknown Indians read and referred to the house of Dele-
Capt Hill and tenn other members bring from the House A
Bill for the Service of Allmighty God and Establishmt of Reli-
gion in this Province according to the Church of England.

p. 26

The said Bill was read and ordered to lye upon the Table.
His Exncy was pleased to lay before the Board the Proceedings
and result of his Matys Lt and Governour Genl of the Colony
of Virginia and his Matys honble Councill thereof of the 22d
ffebry 1699.
Wherein his Matys Councill of Virginia are of Opinion that
it would be for his Matys Service Capt Peter Good Comander
of his Matys Advice Boat Messenger now in this Province
should in the sumer tyme be down in Virginia with the Vessel
under his Comand, to be there joyned with the Essex Prize
for Defence of the Coaste, And represent it for his Matys Ser-
vice that his Exncy would be pleased to write to the Governor
of Maryland to desire him that he will lett her be downe in
Virginia about the begining of May Instant, And that his Exncy
would give such directions to the said Cap' Coode as to him
would seem propper for the well Maning the said Vessell
out of the Shipps in Maryland for that it would not be possible
to procure her any Supply of men after she should come there,
being most of the Shipps would be sayled, or if they were not,
His Matys Shipp the Essex prize already in Virginia would take
up all the men that could be spared from them to compleat

p. 27

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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