His Exncy acquaints the Board that he had, to prevent the
Charge of calling the Comittee appointed to concert Methods
for the defence and security of this Province, lent the Country
two hundd pounds Sterl by Bills of Exch. which he sent to
Colonel Addison to pay off the Rangers.
Ordered by the Board that the honble Thos Tench Esqr go
and acquaint the house therewth
Also sent by the honble Thos Tench Esqr the sd Petition last
Then read the Petition of several Merchts trading in Poto-
mack River representing to his Exncy and the Councill what
great Inconveniencies they are put to by means of the great
Distance between the aboade of the prsent Collr & Navall
Officer assigned for that District. Which being Considered
was ordered to be thus endorsed
By his Exncy the Govr & Councill in Assembly
May the 4th 1700.
Upon Consideration of this Petition as well for securing
his Matys Dues and prventing Frauds and for dispatch of Trade
it is ordered that the Collector be and is hereby obliged to ap-
point & keepe a Deputy in the Upper part near the Navll
Officer, and the Said Naval Officer in the like manner to keep
a Deputy neere the Collector, who are hereby charged &
required dilligently to attend their Duty so that no fraude or
false Trade be Suffered in any part of the sd River.
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Concil
Sent to the House by Mr Tench
The Board adjourned untill 8 of the Clock to mor morning