Whereas the bounds of the Land formerly Granted unto
Ababco Hardswamp and Tilhivaton the Choptanck Indians By
Act of Assembly, was never run out and ascertained by meanes
whereof Severall Differences have arrisen between the said In-
dians and English touching the same, And it was thereon or-
dered that Leiut Collo Thomas Ennalls the Kings Surveyor of
Dorchester County Doe resurvey the said land according to
meetes and bounds in the said act sett Downe
And that Lieut Collo Smithson of Talbott County Collo
Charles Hutchins Mr Jacob Loockerman Mr Thos Hicks and
Mr Wm Mishew of Dorchester County was appointed and im-
powered to see and Direct the Surveyor in the running of the
same and make report thereof to the next Assembly, in some
short time after Collo Charles Hutchins Departed this Life by
wch reason the said order was not complyed with
Wherefore it is ordered and ordained by this prsent Genll
Assembly and the authority of the same that those psons here-
after named viz:
The honble Collo Thomas Smithson, Major Iacob Locker-
man, Mr Thos Hicks, Mr Wm Mishew, Mr Jno Lecompt, Mr
Hugh Eccleston and Capt Henry Ennalls or the Majr parte of
them are hereby authorized and empowered to direct and as-
sist the said Thomas Ennalls Surr as afsd to Survey and lay out
the afd. Indians Land, according to the former ordinance of
assembly and that the said Surveyor a Cert, and faire plott
with all convenient Speed returne to his Excy the Govr and
By the house of Delegates May 15th 1701
Read and assented to Signed by order
W Taylard clk hos: Dell:
May 16th 1701 Assented to by his Excy the Govr and
Councill and ordered accordingly.
W Bladen Clk: Councill
Which being here read it is resolved by the house that the
same be entered upon the Iournalls of this house first haveing
his Excys assent thereto.
Mr John Salter, Mr Samll Younge and Capt John Dorsey ap-
pointed to treate with Mr Beard about a roome for the powder
Proposed that the roome be 15 foot Long and 10 foot wide
framed Eight foot pitch to stand on Cedar or locust blocks 1
foot from the ground the Grundsells and Sleepers to be of
white Oake the flower well laid with inch plank nailed downe