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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 184   View pdf image (33K)
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184 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-May 17, 1701.


Bill for Naturallizacon of Severall psons read the second
time and doe pass for Engrossing.
Bill Investing Land in Dorothy Stevens read the second
time and doe pass for engrossing.
Bill for Investing Land on St James pish read the second
time and doe pass for engrossing.
Proposed whether it be not Convenient that the Rangers
be taken of and Disbanded or not.
Resolved that an humble address be made to his Excy for
for that purpose.
James Baker Doorkeeper psents the honble Speaker his
peticon as follow vizt

To The Honble Thos Smithson Esqr Speaker of the house
of Assembly and the Rest of the Dellegates and Burgesses
now convened.
The humble peticon of James Baker Doorkeeper.

Sheweth, That your petr for Severall years Last past has
been a partaker of your abundant favour of which in all tyes
of obligatory Duty he is obliged to return your Honrs his
most humble and hearty thanks.
That your petr the Last Generall Assembly presented his
humble peticon to your Honrs therein setting forth that by
reason of decrepit age Lameness and other infirmetye he was
reduced to a very low State and condicon and Consequently
Supplicated your Honrs to bestow upon him a Servant. The
prayer of wch peticon was Granted but the then clarke of the
Comittee of Accounts either by his inadvertency or mistake
in writeing omitted to enter your Honors order in the account
and by that means your petr is hitherto left without in Con-
tempt to the order of this honble house.
Your petr therefore most humbly prays your Honr to
be favorably pleased to bestow upon him a negroe to relieve
him in his Great necessity and thereby your Hon" (under
God) will preserve him and his poore ancient Wife and
family from perishing
And your petr shall ever pray &c:

Which being read the poverty and age of the petr is by the
house Considered. It is Resolved that an able Servt be forth-
with pchased and delivered him for his reliefe in his old age,
and Ordered that Coll Jno Smith and Collo Jno Thompson
buy a Servt forthwith to be delivered the petr and this house
will see the same payd for if his Excy shall please to concurr
The following Message by order last night prepared and
read as follo

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 184   View pdf image (33K)
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