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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 183   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 183

Ist They find it absolutely necessary for the preservation
of the house that the Sellers be filled up.
2dly That the plank flower over the Seller be taken up
and there be new Sleepers and the flore new laid.
3d That one of the windows in that roome be close made
up the others to have foulding Shutters with plank and
hung with hinges.
4 In the other roome two windows and a Loft door
Close made up folding Shutters with plank hung with
hinges as in the other roome for one other windowe the
outward floor Leavelled.
5 one new Grounsell be putt in at the outward Dore
of this roome.
6 One Small breach in the brest of the Chimney to be
made good for the Safety of the house and all other breaches
in the said house belonging to carpenters worke to be made
good the doors well hung close fixed with a Good Stock Lock
and key.
7 All which will be undertaken to be done by Mr Richard
Beard of this Towne for twelve pounds in money which we
in Submission to this house think it may be reasonably worth.
Which was here read and Mr Richard Beard being desired
to walk into the house he appeared and being demanded if
he will undertake the worke in the report menconed for 12l
Sterling which the said Mr Beard verry willingly accepted
thereof and oblidged himself to finish the said worke by the
last day of August next.
Ordered that Message be prepared and sent to his Excy to
concur therewth
The house adjournes till to morrow morning 7 a Clock

Thursday May 15th 1901.

The house mett againe and being called over, all were
present as Yesterday only Mr ffranckling and Mr Whittington
Proposed by a member whether it be not reasonable that
some provision of boates may be ordered for the conveyance
of Iurymen Liveing over the Bay to attend at Annapolis.
The Consideracon whereof is referred to the next Sessions
of Assembly
Motion made by a member of this house concerning some
Land of Collo George Tallbotts which is presumed to be or-
dered to be sold for refunding the Country wt Tobacco they
pd for him Consideracon is referred till the next Sessions of


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 183   View pdf image (33K)
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