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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 181   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 181

Carried by the Majority of votes that the Consideracon
thereof be referred to a Comr to compute the charge and con-
veniency and ill conveniency thereof and,
Ordered that Mr Wm Harris Mr Philo Loyd, Mr Geo. Mus-
champ and Coll Thos Ennalls be added to the Comittee of
Laws and being joined into one Comittee they are to enquire
into the charge of Itinerant Justices and compute whether
such Judges will be more charge to the Countrey then the
present constitucon and likewise the advantage and disadvan-
tage that may accrue to the province thereby, and to make re-
port thereof to the house.
Mr John Salter, Mr Samll Young and Capt John Dorsey ap-
pointed a Comee to enquire into the repaires of the house
bought of Majr Edwd Dorsey for a Store house to Lodge the
publick armes and Likewise to make reporte of the estimate
of such repaires and are empowered to treate and agree with
any pson that will undertake the repaires of the said house.
They are sent out and Ordered to make Speedy report there-
of to this house
The house adjs till 2 a clock in the afternoon.

Post Merediem. The house mett againe psent as in the
The report of the Comee concerning paymt of Leavys in
money &c: was ordered to be sent up to the Comittee of
Laws to prepare a bill.
The peticon of King and Queens pish and Wm and Marys
pish for dividing the pishs, againe read, and this house have
referred the consideracon of dividing the pishes to the next
Session of Assembly that this house may have more Light in
the matter.
And ordered that Message be sent to his Excy to Interpose
his authority that Mr White menconed in the petition may be
paid the 40 p poll to some equivolent satisfaction for the time
of his Service in the Upper parte of King and Queens pish
in Charles County and that his Excy would be pleased to
compell the Vestery of the said pish to render an acct of the
40 p poll to his Excy or to some pson as his Excy shall please
to Substitute for that purpose, which message is as follows,

By the house of Delegates May 14th 1701.

The Consideracon of the peticon of the King and Queens
pish and Wm and Mary pish for dividing the parrish Lyes
before this house and being read and considered this house
have further referred the Consideracon of Dividing the par-
rishes till next Sessions of Assembly that this house may have


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 181   View pdf image (33K)
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