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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 180   View pdf image (33K)
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180 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-May 17, 1 701 .


Which being read the consideracon of that part thereof re-
lateing to the free schoole and convenient place for the Honble
Councill to sit in is by the house referred to the next Sessions
of Assembly
And as to a convenient place to Lodge the publick Armes
this house has allready pchased a house of Majr Edwd Dorsey,
And it is ordered that a Comittee be appoynted to goe and
view the sd house and report wt repayres it wants and the
estimate of such repayres, and likewise to agree with any pson
that is willing to repayre the said houses and make them fitt
for the purpose designed, of which they are to make their
Speedy report thereof to the house.
The Comittee of Agreivances enters the house and makes
their Report, viz :

It is offered as an agreivance from the Committee, that
Whereas severall psons within this province when they De-
cease are much indebted to the Inhabitants hereof and leave
noe personall Estate whereby to satisfie their creditors but
leave great quantitye of Lands which descends to their
heires whereby their creditors are left without remedy to re-
cover their Just Debts.
Therefore this Comittee humbly moves whether it be not
reasonable to prevent the same by a Law
It is represented as Agreivance that whereas many psons
haveing Comissions from his Excy for rangeing after wild cattle
and horses in the woods and forrests and under that prtence
drive away severall horses and Cattle out of the necks and
Lands adjoyning to many plantacons
Therefore this Comittee wth submission offers it to this house
whether it may not be necessary that a Law be made to prevent
the abuses aforesayd for the future and Likewise the opinion of
the house what shalbe deemed woods and forrest land and w'age
the Cattle and horses must be of that are under the Censure
of this law.
Which being read and considered, Resolved that the first
article about Decds for payment of Debts be wholy rejected
And as to the second article relateing to rangers this house
have considered and resolved that a bill be prepared for
remedy of that agreivance, And ordered that Mr Wm Harris Mr
Philemon Loyd Mr Geo: Muschamp and Coll Thos Ennalls goe
and prepare a bill for that purpose ready to be delivered to
morrow morning
Proposed by a member of this house whether it be not rea-
sonable that their be a Law for itinerant Judges &c
Putt to the Question whether the Consideracon thereof be
referred to a Comee to compute the charge &c. or to be refer-
red to the next Sessions of Assembly.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 180   View pdf image (33K)
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