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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 179

Which being read and Considered this house concurrs
therewith and ordered that the following Message be sent to
his Excy and Councill

By the house of Dellegates May 13th 1701

May it please Yor Excy
In answer to the message of the 12th Instant by Collo Jno
Hamond and Collo Jenkins relateing to the millitia this house
did referr it to a Comr to Consider of wt Laws might be made
to render the Millitia more usefull who have reported to us
that the Constitucon of this Countrey will not admitt of any
better Law to be made. Signed p order
W Taylard Clk: house Dell:

Mr Philemon Loyd and Collo Henry Lowe sent up to his
Excy with the sayd message. They returne and say that the
honble Councill is adjourned, therefore referred to be sent to
morrow morning.
The house adjournes till to morrow morning seven a Clock.

Wednesday 14th May 1701

The house mett againe and called over all present only Collo
Wm Whittington and Mr Wm Hutchinson had Liberty to de-
part the house and Mr Jno ffrancklin sick.
The message yesterday by Thos Tench Esqr Collo Jno Ad-
dison, Thos Brooke Esqr and Collo Jno Hamond, read as follow

By the Councill in Assembly May the 13th 1701

Whereas the free school wee now sit in hath been built in
great measure by the Subscriptions of Severall private psons
well affected to that good Designe, who are desireous to see
the good effect thereof, It is recomended to your house to con-
sider how the best use may be made of the sayd house, it being
now finished, And also that you will take care to provide some
convenient fitting place for his Mattys Councill to sitt in in As-
sembly time for the better dispatch of business, And likewise
for a handsome place for the Armes to be Lodged in where
they may be hung up there being a considerable quantity to
be lodged here.
Signed p order
W Bladen Clk: Concil


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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