By the House of Delegates May 2d 1700
Ordered that the Navall Officers of Puttuxent and Annapolis
pass an Acct of their Publick dues arising from Shipps that
go to the Eastern shoare after they have Entred with them,
to the Publick Trearer of the Eastern shoare, And for Publick
Dues arrising from Shipps that remayne at the Western
shoare to the Publick Treasurer of the Westerne Shoare,
that each Treasurer may have the just pquisites of his Office.
And forasmuch as Mr Saml Young A member of this house
lives in or neere the Center of the Western shoare and neer
the Port of Anapolis.
Ordered that he be assigned and appointed Publick Treas-
urer for the Western shore, instead of Mr Robert Mason
(Whose habitation being at one side of the Province makes it
difficult for psons concerned to have recourse to him) if his
Exncy and Councill Consent thereto
Signed p order W Taylard Cl Del
Eodem Die Assented to by his Matys honble Concil
W Bladen Cl Concil
Also By the house of Delegates May 2d 1700
Ordered that the respective Military Officers be and are
enjoyned to take Care that the Country Arms in their Severall
Countys be forthwith well and Sufficiently fixed and cleansed
And that the charge thereof be borne and defrayed by the