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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 178   View pdf image (33K)
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178 Assembly Proceedings, May 8- May 17, 1701.


The peto of the Vestry of Wm and Mary pish and King and
Queens pish in St. Mary's County praying that a Law may
pass for dividing the sd pishes referred to further Consid-
The message by James ffrisby and Robt Smith Esqr of this
morng vizt

By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
May 13th 1701.

If you are come to any resolucdn in reference to the pro-
posed matter of the Conferrence this Board are desireous to
be acquainted therewith
Signed p order
W Bladen CH Councill.

Was here read and referred to further Consideracon.
The Gent: added to the Comee of Laws enters the house and
makes their report as follows

May 13th 1701.

By the Comee of Lawes, with addicon of the members as-
signed. The prsent Law for the regulation of the Millitia has
been examined and Considered as alsoe the charge of the
house thereupon.
Upon wch the Comee have thus considered.
I. That the prsent Act enjoynes all prsons except &c to
come to muster at the times appointed and on failer lyable to
a fine of 100£ tobo for every neglect of wch the Capt, is Iudge
and tht without any pay.
2. We doe not finde any people bound to attend Musters
more strictly then here in times of peace wch seems sufficient
and when Warr happens measures of warr must be taken.
3. The Greatest reason why the Militia seems unservice-
able is not Living up to the prsent Law the neglect of wch must
be principally in the Comdrs negligence for they have power
to sumo and if disobeyd can fine for such centempt.
4. Upon the whole matter we see no better expedient to
amend the present condicon of the millitia then by putting the
law allready made in practice by enforceing the Comdrs to
there duty vizt

The frequent calling their companys together as the law
directs and taking due paines and care to instruct and traine
them that are able to pforme their duty and this undr penalty
to the Comanders as well as those comanded.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 178   View pdf image (33K)
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