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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 177   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 177

rience shews us the Great spoile that has been made in send-
ing the armes abroad and its believed that most of the Countys
have allready armes for their psent defence and in case any
are not supplied upon their applicacon to the Govr they will
be better furnished, for the better preserving the armes for the
future in case of a Xtian enemy its adjudged necessary that
a considerable qty of armes be lodged here and keepe thm in
good ordr at yor charge as you have requested soe that they
will be readier to be disposed of as necessity shall require.
Signed by Order
W Bladen Clk. Councill.

Which being read in a full house, the house entirely con-
currs therewth, and ordered that message be sent his Excy to
signify the same, and ret. him hearty thanks which message
is as follows

By the house of Dellegates, May 13th 1701.

May it please Your Excy
The Message by James ffrisby and Francis Jenkins Esqrs re-
lating to Clensing and mending armes was here read and this
house entirely concurrs therewith and returne your Excy harty
thankes for your care therein, Signed p order.
W Taylard Clk: house Dell:

Collo St Leidger Good Mr Wm Parker, Mr Phillip Lynes Mr
Wm Harris, Collo Thos Ennalls and Mr Samll Young are sent
up to his Excy and Councill with the aforesd Message. They
returne and say they deld their Message.
The peto of Mr Henry Hall principall vesteryman of St Iames
Parrish in Ann Arundll County and others his brethren to
Grant an Act for confirmeing Gleebe Land psuant to the last
will and Testamt of Eliza Rigby Decd was here Read and Con-
It is resolved that a Law be drawne for that purpose and
ordered that the peticon be sent to the Comr of Laws to pre-
pare a Bill.
The peto of Peregrine Browne thereby praying an order to
the Navall officer to refund him the duty of 26 negroes im-
ported in the Shipp fairefax, was alsoe Read and Rejected.
The peto of Mary Morton begging the Charity of this
house was here read and this house haveing considered the
same the peticoner is referred to the comrs of the County for
her Subsistance in her poverty and the petn is rejected.



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 177   View pdf image (33K)
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