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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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176 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-May 17, 1701.


Post Merediem. The house mett age and were called over
and were psent as in the morning.
James Frisby and Francis Jenkins Esqrs enters the house
and Delivers to the Honble Speaker a message relateing to the
cleaning the publick armes. Referred to further consideracon
A message brought here yesterday by Collo Hamond and
Collo Jenkins follows, vizt

By the Govr and Councill in Assembly May 12th 1701.

His Excy haveing this Day required our sentiments upon
the rumour of an vnavoidable warr likely to ensue in Europe
wt methods would most conduce to the rendering the millitia
of this province more usefull and necessary for the defence
thereof agt any sudaine Invasion from a forreign enemy, wee
recomend it to your consideracon whether the sd Millitia may
be better regulated for the defence of the province, and that
you will acquaint us with the resolucons of your house there-
Signed p order. W Bladen Clk. Councill.

When being read and considered putt to the vote whether
a Comittee shall goe out to Consider whether the Act of Mil-
litia in force should stand upon the same foot that it now
does or not.
Carried by majority of votes that the said act be referred
to a Comittee for that purpose, and,
Ordered Mr Philo Loyd Mr Mathias Vanderhayden and
George Muschamp Esqr be added to the Comittee of Laws
to Consider thereof.
Robt Smith and francis Ienkins Esqrs enter the house and
deliver Mr Speaker some pets the Consideracon whereof is
further referred.
The Message by Mr Iames ffrisby and Francis Ienkins Esqre
read againe this morning and is as followeth.

By his Excy the Govr and Councill May 13th 1701.

Since you cannot make an estimate of wt the charge will
be for cleansing and mending the armes out of Keller in each
County it is thought fitt that the Coll. of each County view
them and keep them in good repaire which are now service-
able and gett all the rest mended and what charges it amots
to in each County that the respective Collo draw a note upon
his Excy the Govr who will pay the money. And since expe-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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