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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 175

and the Govr will take care to provide a fitt person to attend
the armes here and keep them in good order at yor charges
as you have requested soe that they will be readier to be dis-
posed of as necessity shall require. Referred
Signed p order
W. Bladen Clk: Councill.

Ordered the following message be sent.

By the house of Dell. May 13th 1701.

Upon reporte to this house of the Effect of the Conferrence
upon the Subject menconed in the message of the 9th Instant by
the honble Thomas Tench Esqr &c:
Resolved that the said Laws remaine undr the present Es-
tablishment till his Matys pleasure may be knowne therein
Signed p order, W. Taylard clk: ho. Dell.

The foregoing message sent up to his Excy and Councill by
Collo Holland, Collo Smallwood, Collo Loyd and Collo Ennalls.
They returne and say they have delivered their messages.
The Gent: appointed to attend the Conferrence enter the
house and psuant to the verball reporte the following message
was ordd to be sent to his Excy &c vizt

By the house of Delegates May 13th 1701.

May it please your Excy
This house having read the report from the Gent, of Con-
ferrence which is very acceptable to this house.
Therefore humbly desire yor Excys proposalls relateing
thereto may be reduced in wrighting and the same shall be
from this house that it may remaine upon the lournalls.
Signed p order
W Taylard Clk: house Dell.

Sent by Colll Lowe and Mr Muschamp to his Excy in
They ret. and say they dd. their Message.
Thomas Tench Esqr Collo John Addison, Thomas Brooke
Esqr and Collo John Hamond enters the house and delivers
the hono. Speaker a message the consideration whereof is
referred to the afternoone.
The house adjs till 2 a Clock in the afternoone.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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