This Comee have Elected and made choice of Majr Wm
Dent to be chairman of the sd Comee and ordered that Rich-
ard Dallam be clarke thereof.
The said Comee adjd till 2 a Clock in the afternoon to the
Stad house.
This Comittee mett according to adjournment.
Majr Wm Dent Collo Thos Ennalls
Majr Thos Smith Mr Kenm Cheseldyne
Coll. Wm. Holland Mr Wm Harris
Mr Wm Hutchison Collo Henry Lowe
Mr James Saunders
Printed reason for the Conveniency of advancing money
for the paymt of Leavys read &c.
A paper wrighteing Entituled some modest observacons
on reasons offered to the Assembly why all County Leavys
and pub. Leavys shall henceforwd be paid in money and not
in tobo read.
This Comittee haveing read and considered the reasons
offered for paying all publick dues in money and some rea-
sons offered agt it, both wch are herewith laid before and sub-
mitted to the house.
Upon the Consideration thereof the difficulty appeares to
us thus. That the wealthy parte of the province might com-
ply with such a Law and that it might in a great measure
advance Trade and introduce money alsoe yett in the meane-
time the poorest pte of the people who cannot comd it from
places where it may be had will be more opprest then now
because they will be under a necessity to purchase money
from them tht have it at wt rates they will sell it wch difficulty
we cannot advise to lay them under absolutely.
But because we would not have soe good a mocon totally
rejected but endeavour to accomodate the matter to the ability
as well of the poore as rich till time and experience shall
ripen us for further Steps therein we humbly propose —
That if the Law may be qualified with a Liberty to those
that cannot gett money by a certaine Limitation of time in
each yeare to pay tobo it might encourage those that could
gett money to pay publick dues in it if they thought it advan-
tageous to them and by that means draw more money in and
then if the poor could with their moveables gett parte of it
they might in time come into the same paymt but in the
meane time we would not enjoyne them to wt at present ap-
peares impossible for them to pforme.