Tuesday May 13th 1701.
The house mett againe present as yesterday.
And upon humble mocon made to this house by Collo Wm
Whittington has Liberty to depart the house.
The house takeing into Consideracon wt porcon of the 3d
p hhd may be sufficient for fixing and cleansing the publick
armes and implements of warr &c :
Ordered that a message be sent his Excy desireing him to
comand the Clk of the Honble Councill to lay before the
house an acct of what publick armes are in the province.
Ordered the Serf attendt bring before the house Wm Barton
Sher. of Prince Georges County to answer his mistake in
returning wrong Inds for Mr Thos Greenfield a member of this
house for Prince Georges County.
The Message concerning the acct of the publick arms as
followeth —
By the house of Dells May 13th 1701
The house takeing into Consideracon what part or porcon
of the 3d p hhd may be sufficient for the fixing and cleansing
arms &c: but cannot proceed to any resolve till they have
knowledge wt arms are now in the province.
Therefore humbly pray his Excy will please to comand the
clk of the Honble Councill to lay before the house an acct of
wt armes and wt number in each county are Lodged.
Signed p order
Wm Taylord CH H. Dell.
Sent by Majr Wm Dent, who returnes and says he has de-
livered his message.
The Committee appointed to consider of the Conveniency
or ill conveniency of advancing money for paymt of Leavyes,
Enter the house and delivers their Reporte in wrighting as
followeth vizt
May 12th 1701.
Att a Comittee appointed by the Honble house of Dell, to
consider the Conveniency or ill conveniency of advanceing
money for paymt of Leavyes &c: