Which being read it is ordered by the house that the same
be againe read to morrow morning
The Peticon of the Vestry of King and Queen Parish in St
Mary's County concerning the distance of their Church and
Chappell &c. was read.
And the peticon of Inhabitants of St Maries Coty for re-
moveing the County Courts or devideing the County was like-
wise read.
Both which petitions are referred for a further Consideracon
Upon reading the petn of Gerrard Slye and other inhabi-
tants in St Mary's County praying releife for the Excessive
charge of the Comr of the said County allowed in their Leavy's
by a tax on the Inhabitants &c.
Ordered the peticoners be referred to the Cofnon Law for
their remedy and that they apply themselves to his Matys Attny
Genll for that purpose,
psuant to an order this day made the following sumons Is-
sued to the Serjt attendant.
By the house of Dellegates May 12th 1701
Pursuant to a resolve of this house it is Ordered that you
Thoms Smithson Esqr and Mr Samll Young publick Treasr and
George Plater Wm Bladen and Wm Dent Esq. Navall Officers
on the Western Shore and Collo John Thompson, Mr Thos
Collier and Mr Jno Bosman Navall officers on the Eastern
Shore that they psonally appeare before this house on Thurs-
day next and bring with them their Sevll and respective pub-
lick acct Stated for inspection of this house hereof you are not
to omitt.
Signed per Ordr
Wm Taylard Clk house Dellegates.
To Mr Danll Canning Serjt
attendant on this house
The petn of Jno Brannock wherein he complained that the
Sheriff of Dorchester County by virtue of a power from the
Justices of the said County delivered the possession of a cer-
taine Tract of Land belonging to him called Chance lyeing in
the sd County unto Mr Henry Hill contrary to the Law &c and
thereof prayed reliefe.
The Consideration whereof is by his Excy and Councill re-
ferred to this house which sd petr being here read and con-
sidered this house are of oppinion that the peticoner have his
remedy at Law to which he is referred.
The house adjournes till to morrow morn. Seaven a Clock