of Leavys in money be putt to the vote of the house or refferred
to the Consideration of a Comittee.
Resolved by Majority of votes that the same be putt to Con-
sideration of a Comittee and to make report thereof to this
house and
Majr Thos Smith Collo Thomas Ennalls
Mr Wm Hutchison Collo William Holland
Collo Henry Lowe Mr James Saunders
Majr Wm Dent Mr William Harris
Mr Kenelm Cheseldyn
A Committee for Consideracon of the aforesd proposall are
sent out
Collo Jno Hammond & Collo Francis Jenkins enters the house
and delivers Mr Speaker a message which is referrd till the
The house adjournes till two a Clock post Mered.
Post Merediem. The house mett againe present as in the
The message brought to this house in the Morning by Collo
Hammond and Collo Jenkins was here read, And the consider-
ation thereof referred to a full house to morrow morn.
Thos Tench Esqr Collo Jno Addison James ffrisby Esqr and
Collo Jno Hamond enter the house and Deliver the honble
Speaker the following Message
His Maty has been very Gratious in haveing a peculiar care
to avoid the Laying any burthen upon you in this province he
haveing allotted the 3d p hhd for Armes &c. The most of his
Governmts in the West Indies to my knowledge are constrain-
ed to supply themselves
I must remarke to you that the money ariseing from the sd
duty of 3d is to be Disposed of only by my selfe and his Matys
Councill here and therefore must be very cautious in makeing
any Misapplication of it. But since this seems not to Carry
the face of being repugnant to my instructions or at Least by
the litterall words I doe construe it soe and that it will be an
Ease to the Countrey which I am allways ready to oblidge.
The Gent: of his Matys Councill are pleased to joyne with me
in assenting to it and desire you will make yor proposalls what
may be expected Sufficient for each County.
I am Gent: Yor humble Servt
N. Blakiston