quallified to vote then it's our opinion that the sd Jno Lecompt
is Duely returned to serve as a dellegate in this present Gen-
erall Assembly.
But if it shall be the Judgemt of this honble house that the
Sherriff have noe right to vote and that the sd Morris Bryce
is duely quallified to give his vote then its our opinion the sd
Sherriff hath made undue returne of Jno Lecompt but in this
we submitt.
The usuall method of drawing the Indentures returned for
Dorchester County vizt
Between lacob Lockerman high Sher: of the County of
Dorchester on the one parte and Majr Jacob Lockerman Bur-
gss and freeman of the County afd. on the other parte, which
is likewise the forme of the other three Indentures is humbly
oferd by us to the Consideration of the honble house.
Thos Greenfeild Chairn
Phill: Loyd
Hugh Eccleston
Elisha Hall
Samll Sicklemore
After some debate in the house concerning the matter re-
ferred to their Consideracon it is resolved that Mr jno Lecompt
is duely retd a Burgess for Dorchester County.
Signed p ordr of the Comr
Jno Dorsey Clk: Comr
Putt to the Question whether the Sherriff have any vote up-
on Election of Dellegates or not.
Resolved by Majority of voices that the Sherrif have not
any vote on Election.
The house adjournes till Monday morning 7 a Clock
Munday May 12th 1701
The house mett and were called over wanting Majr Walter
Smith, Collo Ennalls apeared in the house and ordd that Majr
Smith and Collo Thompson attend him to be sworne before
his Excy and Councill
Who returne and say they have seene him sworne,
Ordered that the publick Treasure and Navall officers ap-
peare on thursday morning and bring with them their accts &c.
Ordered that the Serjeant attendant give notice to the offi-
cers afsd then to appear for that purpose
Mr Wm Harris Mr Jno Salter, Mr Phillip Lynes Mr Jno Dorsey
Mr Jno Wight appointed a Comr to enquire into the agrei-
vances of the province are sent out.