uralizacon was here granted and is referred to the Comittee
of Laws to prepare a bill for that purpose.
Ordered that Mr John Lecompt withdraw the house whilst
the report of the Comittee of Elections and priviledges is
The Comittee thereupon Enters the house and make their
reporte as follows
May it please Your Excy
We whose names are under written of the Comittee ap-
pointed for Enquireing into Elections and priviledges In
obedience to an order of this honble house have examined
the peticonary Complaint of the Inhabitants and freeholders
of Dorchester County referred to us by this honble house
Complaining of an undue ret. made of Jno Lecompt to serve
as a Dellegates for that County in this present Genll Assembly
It appeares to us upon the return made by Jacob Loocker-
man the Sherrif: of the said County that Jno Lecompt had the
Surplus of two votes but upon the examination of the poll in
presence of the Sherrift: and Jno Taylor complt in behalfe of
the said County it doth appeare to us that fower psons ought
to be struck of the pole list which was taken in favour of Jno
Lecompt and it allsoe appeares to us by the evidence of the
said Sherriff: that two persons ought to be struck of the poll
list taken in favour of Jno Taylor that was candidate and sett
up agt Jno Lecompt, there is allsoe one Morris Bryce who
gave his vote for Jno Taylor and was allowed by the Sherriff
at the time of Election and putt into the list but now at this
time at a more strict scrutiny made into the sd list the
sd Sheriff: in his own vindecation, doth assert that this Bryce
was not quallified to vote but on the other hand Jno Taylor
the sd candidate and Complainant did offer upon oath that
the said Brice was questioned at the time of the scrutiny
made at the Election, and that Wm Edmondson did give such
satisfaction to the Sherriff that he continued him in the list
for the said Taylor.
Now may it please this Honble house this matter appear-
ing very nice and we of the Comittee knowing ouer owne
insufficiency have resolved that it be referred to this honble
house whether the said Brice shall be thought quallified to
give his vote upon Jno Taylors allegation that Mr Edmondson
did give Satisfaction at the time of Election as before that he
was duely qualified.
There is likewise another difficulty among us wch we must
acknowledge our selves Incapable of determining and Sub-
mitt to the Iudgmt of this honble house to with: whether the
Sherriff of the County hath a right of voting, and if he be