It is Resolved that the Speaker and whole house attend his
Excy and Councill on the Conferrence when and where his
Excy shall please to direct and appointe.
Signed p order
W Taylard clk: house Dell.
Which message was sent up to the Councill Chamber by
Mr Hutchinson and Mr. Robert Bradley, who returned and
say they have delivered their message,
Iames Frisby and Rob' Smith Esqr Enters the house and
Deliver Mr Speaker the following message.
By the Councill in Assembly May 9th 1701.
His Excy the Govr and this Board will be ready to receive
the house upon the Conferrence proposed by Eight of the
Clock to morrow morning.
Signed p order. W. Bladen clk: Councill.
It is Resolved by the house that Mr Speaker and the Gent.
that were on the Comittee Speake to the Conferrence
The house adjournes till to morrow morning 7 a clock.
Saturday May 10th 1701.
The house mett againe, and were prsent as yesterday.
Then was read over what was done yesterday. Maj Tho:
Hamond appeared and ordd by Mr Speaker that Majr Dorsey
and Mr Wm Parker attend Mr Hamond to see him sworne
before his Excy.
They ret. and say they saw him sworne.
Doctr Iacob Loockerman made his appearance in the house.
The house attended his Excy and Councill upon the Con-
ferrence where having some debate they againe returned.
Putt to the Question and Genly resolved by the house that
they concurr with the reporte of the Comittee for Stateing
the Case of the Laws of Maryland.
Resolved that twenty one members with the Speaker make
the house.
Comittee for Examining and Stateing the public Accounts
Mr Thomas Smith Collo Jno Thompson Mr Jno Hall
Mr Jno Smith Mr Robt Bradley
The petion of Dorothy Stevens relict of Jno Stevens Decd
being here read as fol.