That afterwards to witt the 30th of Novemr 1699 his Maty
was pleased to repeale the Act for Establishing of Religion
and because that Law could not be absolutely repealed
without repealing the ascertaining Law which was repealed
alsoe whereby these two laws were repealed.
That after that viz : att an Assembly held in Aprill and
May 1700 the Assembly haveing notice of that his Matys
repeale made a new Law for Establishing religion and an
other law repealing all Laws made before the Assembly in
June and July 1699 Except sevll Laws in that act Expresst
and enumerated Confirmed to Stand in force as Laws.
By the message this day recd from the honble his Matys
Councill they seem in doubt whether this last law repeale-
ing and Confirmeing is not in the same nature as to the
Confirming parte with the other acertaining Law because
if it should be his Matys pleasure to repeale any one of the
laws thereby Confirmed he will not be constrained on the
former reason to repeale this Last repealing and Confirm-
ing Law whereby the province will loose the benefitt of all
the other laws prticularly sett downe in the last Law.
This being the Difficulty is must propound this question
to the house, Whether it is most adviseable at this Juncture
to repeale this last Law Confirming and repealing &c : and
Transcribeing all the laws menconed therein or letting them
rest on the present Establishmt till his Majts pleasure shalbe
With Submission to the wisdom of the house wee are of
opinion that there is no necessity at this Juncture to transcribe
all those Laws Confirmed in this last Act since his Maty has
not as yett signified any dislike of any of the said laws nor
can wee pceive any pjudice that can be taken agt any of them
since they tend to the Equall good of all persons without
distinction of sect, oppinion or profession.
Therefore we believe it wilbe soone enugh to alter the
prsent Estabmt when his Matys dislike is knowne and not
Which being read in a full house, this house concurrs with
the reporte of the Comittee, and
Ordered the following message be sent to his Excy
By the house of Delegates May the 9th 1701
In answer to the message this morning by Thos Tench Esq
Thomas Brooke, James ffrisby and John Hamond Esqr
wherein his Excy is desireous of Conferrence with the
Speaker and some competent member of this house.