happy mistake as in the yeare 1699 by Joyning of them all to-
gether soe that it hath been offered that his Maty, cannot give
his consent to any laws unless to all and in like manner dis-
allow of any single Act unless the whole be involved in the
same determinacon upon this important occasion we are very
Desireous to have a Conferrence with Mr Speaker and some
competent membr of yor house that if possible wee may timely
obviate any prejudice or detryment ariseing therefrom in
which we shall heartily Joyne with you.
Signed p order
W Bladen Clk: Councill
Which being read it is resolved that a Comittee be sent
forth to consider thereof and Mr Kenelm Cheseldyne Collo St
Leidger Cood, Mr Wm Dent Coll Wm Holland Colll Edwa Loyd
Mr Richard Tilghman Collo Jno Thompson and Mr Wm Hutch-
inson are by the house appointed to Consider and State the
Case of the Laws in Maryland included in the ascertaining
and repealing Law.
They are sent forth to consider.
The house adjournes till 2 a Clock in the Afternoone.
2 a Clock post merediem House called over Present as
in the morning.
The Comittee for Inspecting and Considering by Mr Tench
and others of the honble Councill Enter the house and make
Report as follows
Att a Comittee of the house of Burgesses appointed to
reporte and State the Case of the Laws of Maryld included
in the law ascertaining &c: and the Law repealing and
Confirmeing the sd Comittee Consisting of —
Kenelm Cheseldyn Esq. Collo Edwd Loyd
Collo St Leidger Cood Collo Wm Holland
Mr Richd Tilghman Mr John Thompson
Mr Wm Hutchynson Mr Wm Dent.
The Comittee having prused and Considerd of the Laws
afsd find that in June and July 1699 the Assembly findeing
severall good Laws and usefull for the province perticu-
larly an Act for Establishmt of Religion with divers other
Ennumerated were in and by one Law then passd and Con-
firmd to stand in force and because they were desirous to
reduce the Laws of Maryland to a certainty did thereby
declare and Enact that these Laws together with such acts
as were made that assembly should be the Laws of Mary-
land and none others.