By his Exncy the Govr & Councill in Assembly
Aprill 30th 1700
Herewith is sent You a Copy of his Matys Royal Instruc-
tions to his Excy relating to Store Houses for Keeping and
Securing of Publick Arms and Amunition. Whereupon it is
recomended to your considration and care to provide some
convenient House in this Towne for a publique Storehouse to
receive and secure the Publick Arms and Amunition of this
Province upon their arrival from England, And that Some
person be appointed to take accompt of, look after & Cleane
the said arms; for that Severall of them for want thereof are
much dampnifyed by rust &c And the Cartouch Boxes Belts
and Sword Scabbards Eaten by the Ratts, sevral of the Arms
lost and the Powder lyes in a very dangerous manner, noe
particular Person having the charge upon them
Signed p Order W: Bladen Col Concil:
Copy of his Matys Instruction
You are to take Especial Care that fitt Storehouses be set-
tled throughout that Province for receiving and keeping Arms
and Amunition and other Publick Stores.
N: Blakiston Signd p Ordr
Mr Willm Dent his Matys Attry Genll acquaints the Board
that whereas the house of Delegates have Sent out their
Comittee of Laws to draw up an Act for the Establishmt of
the Protestant Religion they desire him to assist their said
Comittee wch he is ready to do with his Excys good Leave.
His Excy is pleased to order him to assist that Comittee
This Board adjourned till 8 of the Clock to mor morning.