by his Maty in 1695 was nevertheless reenacted in 1696 and
now again in 1699 without any materiall Alteration in the
thing for which it has been so disallowed this obliged us fur-
ther to Offer unto his Maty that the sd Act as Passed in 1696
might be disallowed also which his Maty in like maner has
been pleased to Agree to, And it is accordingly disallowed (to-
gether with the foresaid Act for ascertaining the Laws of that
Province) by his Matys Order in Councill of the 30th November
last which we send you here inclosed, by this means the Laws of
Maryland (Excepting this one of 1696) are just in the Same
State that they were before the Assembly mett which revised
the two foresaid Volumes, & you may further observe by the
Inclosed Copy of a Paper presented to us by some Consider-
able Merchants here, and that there are other strong objec-
tions agt the foresaid Act of 1696 beside what we Offered to
his Maty thereupon
But now the better to avoid any Mistake for the future in
things of this kind We advise you to be mindfull of his Matys
Instructions about making all Laws (as much as Possible) in-
definite & without Limittation of time and against the reenact-
ing of Laws without his Maty Express Consent, the Consider-
p. 12
ation of that Instruction & the Reason of it might have helped
to prevent your mistake upon the other, and to this we Add,
that as you see now the inconveniency of Passing so many
Laws of Different Kinds by one Single Act wherefore your Care
hereafter must be not onely that Each Act be passed Severally,
but also that different matters be not mixed in the Same Act,
and that nothing be put into any Act (as it is notoriously in
that for the Service of Allmighty God) of another Nature than
what is agreeable to the Title of it, That so any particular
Matter or particular Act may be approved or disallowed of by
his Maty without Involving others that have noe Relation there-
unto in the same Determinacon
Also a Paragraph in their Lps Lre to his Excellency of the 3d
of December 1700 vizt
The Acts of the Generall Assembly of that Province that
you have lately transmitted to us, are now in the hands of Mr
Attorney Genll for his Opinion thereupon in Point of Law, and
p. "3