of Annapolis the 28th day of June in the Eleaventh Yeare of
the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King William the third
Anno Dmi 1699 Entituled an Act for Speedy Tryall of Crimi-
nalls and Acertaineing their punishmts in County Courts when
prosecuted there all and every clause therein Contained is and
are hereby Repealed and made voyde
An Act for the Present Security of the ffrontier Plantacons
against the Incursions & Violence of Indians.
Whereas his Excy the Govr has at A late Treaty with the
Piscattaway Indians Renewed the Articles of Peace formerly
made betwixt the English and the said Indians who thereupon
promised to returne againe and Settle Among us as hereto-
fore and to Observe and Performe the said Articles in all
points According to agreement but by reason the time ap-
pointed for their returne is not yett Accomplished and in
consideracon of their infidellity and the little reguard they
have to pforme promises and Agreements with them made
Be it Enacted by the Kings most Ext Majty and by and with
the Advice & Consent of this psent Genll Assembly and the