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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7:1698
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             10 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7-98.


       Lib. H. D.     some Sloopes Lost and Severall men perisht and many was

             ifrost bitten, Tis Reported that my Purser is Cast away, I have

             heard nothing from him since Novr last, our Provisions falls

             very short, I having but a months bread which Endeavour'd

             to Reserve towards Carrying us to England, by baking bread

             to supply our prsent Occasions, I have put the Provisions into

             the Pursurs Stewards Charge untill further Ordr I have not

             been able to get any ifresh Water nor Wood on Board for six

             Weeks, last past but fforst to spend on our sea Store, twas

             well we had it on board before the weather Came on, the

             weather Continues very sharpe still but I will slip no oportu

             nity to get my Water fild, I understand most of the Maryland

             Ships are very backward in their Loading, I supose Occasion'd

             by the unseasonable Weather and as farr as I can learn, tis

             morally impossible that any of the Ships in this Province can

             be Loaden ready to Sail by yor time Ordered Except about

             ffive Sail, Vizt Capt Smith Yoakly Brains, Sinues Marshall;

             His Exncy and I have sent to all parts of this Province to

             Communicate your Resolutions to all Concernd; I understand

             the Comanders Design to Suplicate for Longer time if you

             alter your former Resolutions pray give me timely Notice; as

             soon as I can possibly get my ground tier fild with ifresh Water

             to stiffin my Ship I will Sail to the mouth of Petuxant to take

             what Ships shall be ready to Sail with me according to yor

             Ordr. The Comadrs and merchts are much concern'd at your

             Resolutions Considering the winter hath been soc Severe in

             these parts, Some of the ifreighters think that Severall Com

             manders of Ships that are not loaden According to Charter

             parts will protest and goe dead ffreight I pray God Direct

             you or the best so I remain Sr Yor humble Servant

             ifrom on Board his Mats hired     Josiah Daniell

              Ship Prince of Orange the 4th

              of ffebruary 1696/7




              It is very hazardous for any Ship to be in the Bay yet for

             the great quantity of Ice and God knows when twill be other

             wise but I hope it will not last much Longer pray give my

             Service to all ifriends &ca.


   J.                                            Daniell

             The Como- Sr

             dotes Lre to

             his Exncy abt I Yesterday recd: yor Exncys Lre of the 3d instant

             his prolonging with the other paper I am very sorry to hear the

             the time of

            Sayling. . . . winter has been so hard, it has not been so here,

                     but I find both by Capt Daniells Letter and all the

             Mastrs that the like is not Vsuall; our Longer Stay will Occa


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7:1698
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