Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 8, 1697/8-Apr. 4, 1698. 9
Delegates for Baltemore County. We desire his honour the
Chancellour will upon Oath examine, Thomas Browne Thomas
Roberts, ffrancis Robinson & Nicholas ffitzsimons subscribers
to the said Indenture, and what other psons that can give
their Testimony therein in Relation to the said Election and
Certifye the same to this house.
Saml Browne Edward Hansley Signd p Ordr
and Two psons more appearing W Bladen Cl Dom Del.
In answer to which the following Message by his Excy the
Governour & Councill In Assembly March the 11th 1697/8.
In Answer to the houses Request about Baltemore County
Delegates the ffollowing psons were examined & sworne
before the honble Colonel Henry Jowles Chancellour (in Coun-
cill) concerning the Election of the said Delegates Vizt Thomas
Browne Thomas Roberts, ffrancis Robinson, Nicholas ffitz-
simons, Saml Browne & Edward Hansley who upon their
Oaths do Sevrally say that Mr George Ashman Mr Thomas
Staley Mr John fferry and Mr John Hall by Indenture Returned
to serve as Delegates for Baltemore County this prsent As-
sembly were freely & duely Elected by the ffree holders of
the said County without any opposition
Signd p Order
Henry Denton Clke CH.
The honourable Sr Thomas Laurence Came added
The sd answer was Returned backe by the members sent from
the house.
Produced by his Excy and read a Copy of Articles of Charge
given in by Capt Gerrard Sly agt his Excy and sevrall other
papers relating to that matter, which is thought fitt that the
same be Laid before the house together with a Copy of parte
of a Letter by his Excy received from the honble John Povey
Esqr One of the Clks of his Majtys honble privy Councill in
relation to the Revenues having been here read.
His Excy is pleased to demand of the honble Colonel George
Robotham and Colonel John Addison, who had not heared the
said Articles before read, what they had to say concerning the
said Articles; Who made Answer that they never knew, or
heard of any such Matters as are there reprsented agt his
Excy but do take the said paper to be altogether Malitious,
Scandalous & foolish.
Major Whittingtons Accot about the bounds betwixt this
province and pensilvania produced and Reade, as also a Lre
from the Navy Office to Esqr Randolph in Relation to furnish
ing Navall Stores &ca A Lre from Esqr Neale to his Excy of the
p. 9