8th of 7br 1697 touching Coyns &ca and a Certificate from the
Ordinance Office dated the 13th of January 1695 about 100
Barrells of powder & 200 Snap hance Musquetts sent to his
Excy Gov Coply &ca
All which Sevrall papers are ordered to be Layd before the
house together with the deposition of Thomas Browne about
Amos Nichols. The petition from the Rangers of potomoke
& Baltemore County Mr Lubmans Letter to his Excy about
Romish priests. Laurence Garry and Daniel Cannins peti-
tion for the Gate keepers place, James Bakers petition about
the pquisits of his place and Mrs Ratchell Hewetts, Petition
for payment of the arrears the 40lb p poll to her deceased
p. 10
Marh the 12th 1697/8
The Councill again sate and were prsent as yesterday Except
Thomas Laurence.
Came from the House of Delegates Colonel Thompson
Mr fferry and prsent Mr William Taylard one of the Delegates
Chosen for St Marys City in Order to be sworne who accord-
ingly had the Oaths appointed by Act of parliament to be
taken instead of the oaths of Allegiance and supremacy ad-
ministred unto him by the honble Colonel Robotham, Thomas
Tench, & Thomas Brooks Esqrs which he tooke and after-
wards subscribed to the Test.
His Excy was pleased to go up to the Stadt house attended
with his Majtys honble Councill in Order to have the Comission
for swearing his Excy publickly read together with their Excys
the Lords Justices Jnstructions relating to Trade &ca Where
Mr Speaker and the sevrall members of the house, His Excy the
Councill & members of the house being sevrally seated, he is
pleased to acquaint them with the occasion of his Coming, tell-
ing them that tho he had taken the same Oath before, att
Battle Towne yet It being a thing of such consequence he
thought fitt that the said Comission should be read here pub-
lickly and to take the Oath again, which was accordingly done
Afterwards was read their Excy the Lords, Justices, Instruc-
tions relating to the Trade & Sevrall other papers Ordered to
be Laid before the house, & were delivered to the Clarke of
the house.
Then his Excy told them that he had one thing more to
communicate unto them, which tho he was sorry to trouble
them with, yett by reason the matter in parte seemed to reflect
upon the whole Government, He therefore thought It neces-
sary for their Cognizance, and thereupon produced a Copy of
a Letter Writt by one Capt Gerrard Slye to one of the Lords