8 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 8, 1697/8-Apr. 4, 1698.
Seale of England directed to Sevrall of his Majtys honble Coun-
cill and others Impowering them to administer an Oath to
his Excy which tho the same had been formerly offered at
Battell Towne in Calvert County the 11th of Janury 1697/8 yett
he is pleased to say that for the more Solemne doing thereof
he will have the said Cofiiission read in publicke
together with the Exncys the Lords Justices Instructions therein
mentioned as also a Letter by his Excy received from the
honble the Comissioners of his Majtys Customs & a printed
Act of parliament for Regulating abuses in the plantation
Trades inclosed, and that he Intends to take the said Oath
Again publickly being also pleased to signifye that he had
Ordered a Copy of the said Instructions to be prepared in
Order to be sent to Each County of the province to be
Lodged amongst the Rest of the County Records together
with a booke of Rates & forementioned Act of parliament.
And Likewise thought It might be propper to send a Copy
of the Oath by him taken to each of the said Countys, by
which meanes the people would receive such Effectuall Notice
& Warning that they could not hereafter plead Ignorance in
any thing of that Nature all which was very well approved
of by this boarde, and Ordered that the said Instructions,
Booke of Rates, Act of Parliament and Oath be accordingly
Sent to Each County of the province for the use of the said
Countys and Intent afsd
The houses Request in behalfe of Colonel Ninian Beales
Warr' of Resurvey being deferred the Execution till Some
ffurther tyme was assented to by his Exncy and his Majtys
honble Council
p. 8
Then came Mr Edward Loydd and Mr Richard Tilghman
from the house and by Order thereof prsented Mr Thomas
Hicks Doctor Jacob Lookerman, & Mr Walter Campbell to
the boarde to have the Oaths by Act of parliament to be
taken Insteade of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy
administred to them, Whereupon the said Oaths were ad-
ministred to the sd Gentlemen in their capacitys, as they
Were returned by Indenture.
Delegates for Dorchester County and they Likewise Sub-
scribed the Test.
Came Lieutenant Colonel John Thompson & Mr James
Saunders who bring the ffollowing Message from the house.
By the house of Delegates March the 11th 1697/8.
ffor as much as a doubt hath arisen in the house concerning
the dueness of the Election of the Gentlemen appearing as