Sent by Capt: Waughop, Major Lowe, Majr Thomas Smith,
Mr Sanders Mr Leech, Capt Hoskins, Mr Ferry, Mr Tilghman,
Mr Campbell, Carvill and Mr Wight, who returne to the house
and say they have delivered theire Message.
Severall papers relating to the Acts of Trade and Naviga-
tion as also a comission to administer an oath to his Excy the
Govr for the increase of Shipping and navigation, read in the
The house adjourned till 7 of the Clock on Munday Morning
Munday March 14th 1697/8.
House met, and being called over, was absent Mr lames
Ordered that there be two Iournalls Kept of the proceed-
ings of this house, And that the clarke employ an assistant.
Resolved that the following Oath of Clark of the house be
administered to William Bladen the present clark.
You W. Bladen as clark of the house of Delegates do swear
that according to the best of your skill and knowledge you
will well and faithfully Execute your said office and keep a
fair Iournall of the houses proceedings and returne the same
into the Secretarys office without any alteracon, and that you
shall not divulge reveale or disclose the secretts of the house
to any person whatsoever. So help you God.
Mr William Harris and Mr Iohn Hall sent to the honble the
Chancellr along with the dark to have him sworne.
Who returne to the House and Reporte, that they saw the
above oath administered unto him which he tooke.
Resolved that the Comittee of Laws prepare a Bill for the
reviving of the process of Cecill County Court lately discon-
tinued by the falling of that Court. Comittee of Agnevances
Sent out.
Put to the Question and Resolved by a Majority of voices
that a Bill be prepared to alter the winter County Courts
(that is to Say) January Court to the same Tuesday in Aprill,
and the act for Superseeding executions to take place the
tenth of May.
House adjourned till 12th of the clock.
Post Merediem. House mett.
And Resolved the following Message be sent to his Excy
the Govr & his Matys honble Councill Vizt
By the house of Delegates March 14th 1697/8.
This house being well apprized of an ordinance made att a
sessions of Assembly held in May 1696, as appears by the
p. 165