Iournall of the Councill in Assembly folio 49 whereby it was
ordeined tht publique and County ferrymen should keep
ordinary without paying for theire lycences, and whereas Sev-
erall persons have been thereby encouraged to keep fferry's
Cheaper expecting the benefitt thereby proposed and designed
them we humbly entreat your Excy that they may not be
deprived thereof.
Signed p order. W Bladen Ck: house of Del:
Sent p Major Thomas Smith, Capt Waughop, Mr Tilghman
and Mr Campbell who returne to the house and say they
delivered theire Message.
Then came down the honble Col: Robotham and Col: Addi-
son to this house and sygnified that his Excy comanded them
to attend him at the Councill Chamber.
House adjourned for halfe an hour, to waite on his Excy
House Mett. Mr ffrancis Jenkins, Mr John Bozman, Mr
Walter Lowe, and Mr Samll Collins appear as Delegates for
Somersett County Mr Campbell and Mr Lockerman sent to
the Councill with them to have them sworne.
House Adjourned till 7 of the clock to morrow Morning.
Tuesday March the 15th 1697/8.
House mett, and called over, Then read over what was
done Yesterday as also from the beginning of this assembly.
Mr Campbell and Mr Lockerman reporte they saw the Dele-
gates of Somersett County Subscribe the Test. Debated in
the house Concerning the piscattaway Indians.
House adjourned till 12 of the clock.
Post merediem, House mett. put to the Question if this
house do think it convenient that his Excy the Govr should
make a Warr with the piscattaway Indians or not, and carryed
in the negative nemine Contradicente.