Post meridiem. House mett.
Mr Thomas Hicks and the other delegates for Dorchester
County, alledging that Major Thomas Ennalls who is Elected
one of the representatives for that County upon his Iourney
thither was taken very ill and rendered unable to come hither,
he is thereupon excused.
Resolved the following Message be sent to the Governour.
By the house of Delegates March 12th 1697/8.
May it please yor Excy
It having fallen under the consideration of this house
whether it were convenient and consonant to the rules and
Methods of Parliament and assemblys that your Excy should
be present here whilst the house is sitting. We have Re-
solved that the same as it hath not heretofore been usuall so
it ought not now to be practicable. Therefore humbly desire
that when your Excy pleases to confer with this house you will
order us to attend you att the Councill Chamber it being
more for the Grandeur and honour of the Kings Government,
that we should there attend your Excy then that you should
give yourself the trouble to come downe to us.
We are with all dutifull respect. Your Excy Most humble
Servts Signed p Ordr W Bladen Clk: house of Del.