Whereupon the house considering that the same was of no
great Consequence it is referred to the Gen' appointed for de-
cideing differences between the English and the Indians.
Upon the motion of Col: Ninian Beale one of the members
of this house, Alledging that he was in danger of being very
much damnifyed by reason of Mr Thomas Greenfield high
Sherriffe of Prince Georges County by virtue of a Warrant
of Resurvey to him directed for the Resurveying of a Tract of
Land called the Majors Lott belonging to the said Col. Beale,
has appointed the 14th Instant for executing of the said pre-
cept, and that he the said Col: Beale and Mr William Hutchi-
son his chiefe evidence were attending this house and could
not be present att the Resurvey.
Wherefore the house not being willing to Spare them,
Resolved Mr Speaker send his Letter to the Sherrife to deferr
the execution thereof till sometime after the Assembly be
broak up.
Whereupon the following letter is written and Col: Beale
sent to his Excy and Councill for theire concurrence therein.
Whereas by virtue of a Warr' of resurvey Issuing out of
the Provinll Court, and directed to the Sheriffe of Prince
Georges County requireing and directing the said Sherriffe to
sumon the Surveyor of the said County and a Jury of free-
holders by law qualified to resurvey a tract of Land lying in
the County afd called the Majr Lott, which said Warrant bears
date the .... day of October 1697 and is returnable before
his Maty5 Iustices of the said Court the Sixth day of Aprill
ensueing, for as much as Mr Thomas Greenfield sherriffe of
the County afd hath appointed the fourteenth instant for the
executing thereof, and it so happening that Col. Ninian Beale
and William Hutchison Delegates for the County aforesaid
and members now actually attending this house, are princi-
pally concerned therein, the said Col. Beale as owner of the
said land and Mr Hutchison as an Evidence to the meets and
bounds thereof, and cannot well be spared out of the house.
These are therefore to require the said Sherriffe to desist
and put off the executing of the said Warrant untill the sixth
day after the breaking up of this Sessions of Assembly, to the
end the said Col: Beale and Mr Hutchison may attend thereon.
Signed by order. W Bladen Clk: house of Del:
Assented to by his Excy and his Matys honble Councill.
Hen: Denton Clk: Councill.
Then appointed of the Comittee of Agrievances, Mr lames
Sanders, Mr Wm Harris, Mr George Ashman, Mr Symon
Willmer and Mr William Hutchison,
p. 163