Ordrcd that the Rangers upon Potomeck be likewise dis-
missed; but it is hereby resolved and ordred that Considring
the assembly have left the Mattr abt the Indians undetermined,
the honble Colonell John Addison do appoint ten men and two
Captaines to raing by turnes and observe and follow the same
Instructions as the formr Rangers who are to be paid accord-
ing to Act of Assembly but it is ordred that Captn Brightwell
be not one of these two officers. And it is hereby directed
and ordred that his honr Colonell Addison take Care to raise
the said ten men and Officers wth all Expedition possible
whom he is to place some where Convenient for strength-
ning the frontier plantations as he see fitt and most service-
able to his Majty and Safety of his Country it being thought
unnecessary to keep them at the Garrison now there is a
peace and no fear of any french or othr Indians attacking
those parts besides the returne of the piscattaway Indians may
now at this tyme be expected thither, if they come att all, yet
it is thought necessary that the old Rangers be still Continued
and kept in service & pay utill the new ones be rightly equipt
and Establisht; and is ordred accordingly
Aprill the 2d 1698
The Councill againe Sate and were present as yesterday
The Remarques upon the Resolves yesterday being fair writt
out & prused were sent by the honble Thos Tench & James
Frisby Esqrs together wth Benjamin Halls Bill of Exche and
Letter from the navy office and Coppy of the Certificate from
the ordinance office.