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As to the answer of the house abt Imploying Membrs Clarkes,
a proper answer will be given thereto in an other Message.
This Boarde do thinke that the Clk of the Councill ought
to be allowed for Clks Assistant who has likewise been Im-
ployed in like Extraordinary Service (if not more) equall to
the Clk. of the house, As Also that he ought to be allowed for
being Clk. to the Indian Comittee in Octobr as well as the
other Clk.
His Excy being resolved to Assent to no allowances but wtt
are equall and Just, his allowance is but for one Comittee this
It is Remarked that the Lr from the navy office and Certifi-
cate from the ordinance office were before you and are now
sent againe About Mr Parker his Excy wants to know wtt the
house does about it.
As to Dr Brayes Lre to be answered the house und'took to
doe itt, neither do you Signifie wtt sort of answer you would
make him.
As for Mr Cookseys Bill to Capt James Bowling for 23ll
Sterling drawne march the tenth 1691/2 on Mr Peter Paggen
and Endorsed to Mr Saml Groome or ordr &c. tho being pro-
tested it cannot be allowed; before Mr Cookseys Accts & the
Cofnittee and other papers are perused and Inspected, there-
for referered till next Sessions of Assembly, as the drawing
formes of Oaths to be taken by the officers & Charge to the
Grand Jury is referred.
It is proposed that the Gentlemen of his Majtie honble
Councill be also paid out of the 20000l ovr plus Tobo to be
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levied as well as the provinciall Justices. His Excy has
received back Mr Plater and Mr Muschamps accts but did
Expect you would have made some remarque upon thm wch
you have not done.
In Answer to yor Message abt some of his Majties Honble
Councill to be joyned wth the Comittee appointed for the
apportioning the publick levy his Excy does say that w' had
been done in my Lord Baltimores tyme wil not be admitted
as presidentiall; but his Majtyes honble Councill do say that In
Govr Coplyes tyme some of their Membrs were alwayes Joyned
not only in apportioning the Levy: but also wth the Comittee
of Accts and do think themselves to have as much right to be
concerned therein, as the membrs of the House of Delegates,