By the house of Dellegates April the Ist 1698.
Tho it once happened by Mistake yet it never was the
Intent of the house to revive any Temporary Bill for Longer
time then three years or the end of the next Sessions of As-
sembly However have sent the Originall Bill as required
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Ck Dom Del.
By the house of Delegates April the 1st 1698.
As for the Address It shall bee fairly Transcribed, the
Rumor of my Lord Baltimores having his Governmt here
again gaines noe Credditt with vs. & wee think It a Presump-
tion for vs to Prescribe any thing to his Majtie in tht Matter.
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Clk Dom. Del.
By his Excellcy the Governor & Councill in Assembly
April the Ist 1698
In answere to the Request of the house this day sent by
Major Ennalls & others Vizt that the Gentlemen Appointed to
Apportion the publick Levy might be Impowerd to dispose
347l 09s 06d found to be in Bank besids whats in Mr [Mason's]
hands Vnaccounted for, As alsoe what Tobacco shall bee Col-
lected by the Treasurers this Season by the Mulct vpon His
Excellcy does say tht as to the first hee Cannott Consent to it
You having refused to Answere the directions of the Rt Honble
the Lds Commissionrs for Trade & fforreigne plantations in not
Appointing an Agent & not agreeing to Imploy some skilfull
Able Lawyer in England to put the Lawes into better method
and Language.