April the Ist 1698.
The Councill againe Sate & were present as yesterday
The Committee of Accots bring vp their Journall of Allow-
ances wch was perused & read.
It is remarqued that the Dellegates Living on the Eastern
Shoare have Allowance made them for Boats & hands but his
Majties Councellors Vndr the same Circumstances have noe
such allowance Neither are their Itinerant Charges Considered
Equally wth the Dellegates.
Quere Why Mainhursts Accot was struck out
Quere why Mr Sewel was not allowed as wel as the other
His Excellcy does not vnderstand that any of the Members
boyes should bee admitted to officiate as Clerks His Excellcy
wants to See vpon what acco' Mr William Taylard & Mr
Benjamin Hall are allowed for their Protested Bills.
Brought by the house by Major Ennalls & ffive of their
Members the ffollowing Messages & Originall Bills sent for.
By the House of Dellegates April the first 1698.
This house humbly desire that whereas there is 347l 03s o6d
Already in Bank besides what is in Mr Masons hands Vnac-
counted for the Gentn appointed to apportion the publick
Levy this year may bee Impowered to dispose of the same or
at Least three pts thereof for defraying the Charge of this
Present Sessions & noe other vse And tht the public Treasurer
may bee obliged to produce thr Accots to the sd Committee of