56 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 8, 1697/8-Apr. 4, 1698.
As to what you represent as Grievances that severall of the
Justices & Vestry men of the severall Countys have been
Arrested &ca
His Excellcy wants to know their names soe that if any of
them hath beene dealt with Contrary to Law care shall bee
taken tht they shall have right & Justice done them. But tis
hoped you dont imagine tht a Justice of Peace or Vestryman is
not Lyable to the Law as you would seem to insinuate You
may remember what his Excellcy told you the begining of this
Sessions tht he had & would Endeavor to Support the Credditt
& Reputation of all those who were in any Employ Vnder his
Majtie heere with all the power he hath provided they behaved
themselves well and if there be any thing wanting that is
reasonable in Answering Yor Address concerning them his
p. 84
Excellcy will be willing to pass any Law or Ordinance to that
effect; but hee is afraid that the reasons why Some of the
Iustices and Vestrymen have not tht honor Obedience &
respect shewed to them, but Slighted & Contemned by the
Vulgar is their owne Actions & behaviour And he is affraid
they suffer themselves to be abused & affronted in open Court
without punishing the offendrs That they Suffer Cursing
swearing, drunkenness & quarelling too oft in Court times &
tht some of the Justices have allowed thmselves & others Tob.
out of the publick Contrary to Law Vizt St Marys Calvert
Prince Georges Dorchester & Talbott Countys. As by
Coppies of the sd County Levys heerewitn sent May Appear.
It is very Surprizing to his Excellcy yor Representing his
Sitting in View of the Provinciall Court strikes an Awefull fear
vppon Attorneys Iurors & Suitors; but sure it Cannott vpon
those tht are honest but is in hopes it does vpon Knaves.
Some of the Kings of England have Sate at their Courts at
Westminster Hall & when they have vouchsafed the Courts
the honor they have come to hear Causes & As Spectators & he
does not understand what you mean by being Restrained from
tht Liberty and ffreedom heeretofore vsed & he hopes in God
you can neither Joyntly nor Severally Accuse him of doeing
injustice either in Courts or out of them since he hath had
the Honor to Govern this Country but if you Can he wills
you Legally to prove it.
p. 85
As for yor Address Concerning the five Lawes, Yor Resolve
is since all the Acts for Impositions will not be repealed,
the house are Willing they should Expire of themselves
soe that his Excellcy Supposes it to be in Vaine if it should
bee offered for two or three of them to be taken off, but
yor being perswaded that in strictness of Law a Proroga-
tion is the End of an Assembly seems to be a very odd dan-