Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 8, 1697/8-Apr. 4, 1698. 55
Gulielmi 3. & marie Conteyned in the acts of parliamt now
lying before you, his Excy hath formerly and now tells you
againe he knowes of no Custome in this Country that can
tantamony the Common Law, wch if you know of any you are
required to Shew it
Hee does not believe tht such an address was assented to
by all the Dellegates wch if then it prove not right but should
have been expressed by soe many Yeas & soe many Nayes
or by Majority of Voices According to the Custome of
Parliamt. As for yor Serjt at Armes his Excellcy knows of no
such officer but takes it to be an high Presumption the Assum-
ing of such Title, And for the Leaving yor Vote Vpon yor
Jornall It will among other yor proceedings of this Sessions
remain as a monumt of yor despotick inclinations Some of wch
are yor asserting an Ordinance of Assembly for publick &
County fferrymen to keep Ordinary Lycence free.
His Excellcy discovering any such ordinance wch was Suffi-
ciently Argued & explained the Last Assembly Yor Resolves
upon Mr Lynes's Peticon of the 25 instant by wch you seeme
to intimate & deterrmine a point in Law Contrary to an Act of
Assembly Yor sitting where you doe Contrary to an Act of
Assembly And yor makeing allowances & Levying upon the
People 2500ll of Tob. for an other house to Sitt in contrary
Likewise to the said Act.
Yor Sending a Verball message to the Clerk of the Coun-
cill for Papers without his Excellcy or his Majties honble Coun-
cills knowledge or Leave Yor sending A Sumons to the honble
Sr Thomas Lawrence Barrontt his Majtics Secretary by Patent
vnder the Broad Seal of England & one of his Majties honble
Yor Imploying & allowing Mr George Jackson as Clark of
the Committee of Accots the Sume of 2800ls of Tob. contrary
to a Law.
It is remarqued there are severall Vncertaintyes & Inco-
herencyes in yor Votes This Board have perused all the
Addresses Resolves & paper abot aggrievances And doe
Signifie the Practise of Virgina in that case for the Inhabitants
of tht Country to sett vp what they think grievances vnder
their hands at their Court house doores wch the Burgesses
cary vp and deliver to his Excellcy the Governor & Councill in
order to be communicated to the house of Burgesses Soe that
vnless you can Produce either vnder yor Ellectors hands or of
yor Owne knowledge what are Represented As grievances
they will not bee taken for such but the Effects of an Ill dis-
posed Mallitious temper of such as may bee Rekoned Sedi-
tious & dissafected to this his Majties Governmt & interest of
the Country.