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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 500   View pdf image (33K)
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500 Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699.

Lib. L. L.

Provided that the said Exporter who desireth the benefitt of
the said debenture or draw back shall declare on his Corporall
Oath to be Adminstred by the said Officer on the holy Evan-
gelist that the said Rum or Wine by him desirous to Exporte
is part of the said Wine or Rum by him Imported and made
Reporte thereot as atoresaid This Act to Endure for three
Years or to the End of the next Sessions of Assembly which
shall next happen after the End of the said 3 years.

p. 238

An Act for Speedy Justice for Small Debts

Forasmuch as this present Generall Assembly have taken
into their Serious Considerations the great Damage and In-
conveniency Accruing to the good people of this Province for
recovery of Small Debts by due Course of Law in the Severall
and respective County Courts thereof It often happening that
such Creditors rather Choose to loose their Just Rights and
Creditts then to be put to the trouble to the Sue for the Same
and further it doth also appear to be no less Agrievance and
Burthen to the Debtor of such Creditors (psons for the most
part indigent and poor) who being frequently sued pay three
times more Cost then their Originall Debt amount unto for the
redress of both pries for the future and the Imediate and
Speedy Recovery of Just rights and prevention of like Aggriev-
ances for the future it is therefore humbly prayed that it may
be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excell' Maty
by and with the Advice and Consent of this present Generall
Assembly and the Authority of the Same That no County
Court within this Province shall hold Plea or have Jurisdiction
for the hearing trying or Determining of any Action or Actions
before them brought Either by Bond Bill Assumption Reckon-
ing or Accompt wherein the reall Debt or Damages doth not
Exceed the Sume of Two hundred pounds of Tobbacco or
Sixteen Shillings and Eight Pence in money but that in all

p. 239

such Cases it shall and may be Lawfull for any one Justice
within the severall and respective Countys wherein the person
Debtor doth reside to try here and Determine the matter of
Controversy between thm the sd Partys Debtor and Creditor as
aforesaid upon Application to him made by any Creditor or
Creditors of such Debtor or Debtrs as aforesaid and att the time
of Such Application such Justice is also Authorized and Im-
powered and also Willed and required to issue out his Warrant
and Depute Such Person for to Execute the Same as he shall
think fitt to Comand and bring before him the person of such
Debtor or Debtors and also Sumons to issue out for such Witt-
ness or Wittnesses as either Plaintiffe or Defendant shall have

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 500   View pdf image (33K)
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