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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 499   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699. 499

Enter on Board any Ship or Vessell or into any house or
Warehouse on shore and from thence to Seize bring on shore
or Secure all such Liquors for which the Dutys aforesaid are
not duly Paid or secured to be paid as aforesaid and that the
said Officers and their Deputys may freely stay and remaine
on board untill the goods are delivered & Discharged out of
the said Ship or Vessell and all Officers as well Military as
Civill of this Province and all Masters and Officers of Ships
are hereby required and injoyned to be Aiding and Assisting
to such Navall Officer in discharging of their Duty afd for all
which the said Officers and others Assisting them shall be
saved and kept harmless by Virtue of this Act And be it
further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all such
Navall Officers shall Give Good Security to the Governor of
this Province for the time being and shall take their Severall
Oaths well and faithfully to gather the Impost So ariseing by
Virtue of this Act or any Clause herein Conteined and adjust
and faithfully to Accompt twice a Year & to give and Render
to the Publick Treasurer of this Province for the time being
Authorized for receiving the said Impost for which the sd
Treasurer shall have for his Sallary four pounds p Cent who
are to give good Bond for the same to be Accomptable and
render ace' to the next Meeting of Assembly to be by them

Lib. L. L.

disposed of Towards the defraying the Publick Leavy of this
Province And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid
that every Master of a Ship or other Vessell att the time of
the Entry of such Ship or Vessell wherein such Liquors shall
be imported as aforesaid shall render upon Oath an Accompt
of the quantity and quality of such Liquors afd and the Severall
and respective Navall Officers within this Province for the
time being shall att the time of their Entry of such Ship or
Vessell as aforesaid take good and Sufficient Security in his
Matys name for the payment of the Imposition aforesaid to
such use and Purpose as in such manner and forme as by this
Act is appointed all which dutys ariseing by such Imposition
upon Liquors as aforesd. shall be Collected and Gathered by
the Navall Officers in their Severall and respective Districts
for which they shall have for their Sallary Eight pounds p
Cent and no more Provided allways That if any Importer of
Rum or Wine into this Province after the End of this Sessions
of Assembly and within three months after his Arrivall and
Such his Reporte made to the Navall Officer or Such other
Officer Legally Impowered as aforesaid to take the Same as
aforesaid shall Exporte any of the said Rum or Wine by him
Imported as afd It shall and may be Lawfull for every Such
Importer by way of Deventure or Draw back money to Stay
and Detayne three fourth part of any such Imposition allways

p. 237

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 499   View pdf image (33K)
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