to the Sherriffe of the County which said Sherriffe upon
receipt of Such precept from Such Justice aforesaid shall
Imediatly Leavy the Same upon his her or their Goods or
Chattells or body as the Nature of the Writt shall require all
which Such Sherriffe sha.ll do Ex Officio Saveing to such
Sherriffe his ffees of Imprisonment if the party shall remaine
in Custody Twenty four houres And be it further Enacted by
the Authority aforesaid by and with the Advice and Consent
aforesaid That in all Actions that shall be brought by any
person or persons in any of the County Courts of this Province
after the publication of this Law wherein upon Tryall it doth
appear to the Court that the just Ballance doth not Exceed Two
hundred pounds of Tobbacco or Sixteen Shillings and Eight
pence in money the Plaintiffe shall be nonsuited and Iudgment
shall not be Given in any County Court of this Province to
any person or persons for any such Ballance as aforesaid but
that the plaintiffe shall be Non suited as aforesaid And be it
further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That in any Action
or Actions after the End of this Sessions of Assembly that
shall be brought in the Provinciall Court of this Province and
upon Tryall it doth appear to the Court that the Just Ballance
is under fifteen hundred pounds of Tobbacco or Six pounds five
shillings in money the Plaintiff shall be nonsuited as aforesaid
And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That his Matys
high Court of Chancery within this Province shall not hear,