Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 8, 1697/8-Apr. 4, 1698. 5
in Chiefe in over this province &ca Came & sent to the house
that they should Immediately attend him in Councill.
Accordingly the sevrall members of the house came &
acquainted his Excy that they were mett according to his Matys
Writt of Election and prorogation. Whereupon his Excy gave
Cofnand that they should go & choose a speaker, who
accordingly repaired to the house, and after some Shortt tyme
Returne againe & acquaint his Excy that they conceived them-
selves not sufficient in number to proceede to the choice of a
Speaker for that According to the Constitution of this Province
they should be the Major part of the house, (to witt) four &
Twenty in number prsent to make such Choice, which they
than not being conceived they could not pursue his Excys
Directions to choose a Speaker.
They are asked which way they thinke most propper .&
authenticke for the Deferring the Assembly till an other day
who are all of Opinion that the propperest way will be by writt
of prorogation which is Ordered accordingly to Issue, and was
prpared, read & approved of in Councill and afterwards Signd
by his Excy and passed the broade Seale of the Province.
His [Excy] being pleased to absent himselfe and Sevrall
members of the house appearing in Councill the said Writt of
prorogation was openly & distinctly read unto them as follows
William the third by the Grace of God of England Scotland,
ffrance, & Ireland, King Defender of the ffaith &ca To the
members of our privy Councill and house of Delegates for this
our province of Maryland greeting Whereas the meeting of the
Genll Assembly of this province was by our Certain Writt of
prorogation (issued the Twenty ffirst day of ffebruary Last
past) deferred and putt of untill the Eighth day of march
Instant. But for Certain Urgent Causes and considerations,
us more Especially moving; We do thinke fitt to ffurther
Deferr putt off & prorogue the sitting of the said Assembly
untill the Tenth day of this Instant March and the same is
hereby prorogued Accordingly, Wherefore you and Every of
you are to take due notice and in nowise to faile meeting at
this place the said Tenth day of March, appointed, given at the
Towne & porte of Annapolis under the broade Seale of our
said province this said Eight day of March 1697 and in the
Tenth yeare of our Raigne Witness our trusty and well
beloved ffrancis Nicholson Esqr Capt Genll & Govr in Chiefe
in & over our said province and Territory of Maryland
ffr. Nicholson
p. 4