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said Countys (authorised by Law) to appeare at a certain Day
& place appointed for the Electing and Choosing four Delegates
or Representatives to serve for each of their said Countys and
two for the city of St Mary's at a Genll Assembly to be held at
our Towne and porte of Annapolis the 23d day of ffebruary
Instant as by recourse to our said writts, being had may
more fully & at Large appeare. But for certain Causes and
Considerations us thereunto Especially moving We do thinke
fitt to deferr, putt off & prorogue the sitting of the said
Assembly untill the 8th day of March next. And the same is
hereby prorogued accordingly Whereby you Every of you are
to give due notice, and in no ways to faile meeting at this
piace the said Eigth day of March appointed, Given under
the broade Seale of our said province this 21st day of ffebruary
1697/8 in the Tenth yeare of our Raigne Witness our Trusty
and well beloved ffrancis Nicholson Esqr Capt Genll and Gov-
ernor in Chiefe in and over our said province and Territorys of
Att a Councill mett & held at the port of Annapolis the 8th
day of March 1698.
The honble Sr Thomas Laurence Barrt Secretary
Colonel Henry Jowles Chancellour
Thomas Tench Esqr
This day pursuant to prorogation Sevrall Delegates Returned
by Indentures according to the writts of Election mett, who
were not before Sworne Vizt Capt Thomas Waughop, for St
Marys City, Mr Philip Clarke Major John Low, and Mr Thomas
Beale for St Marys County, Capt Richard Hill, for Ann Arun-
dell County, Mr James Crauforde & Mr John Leach Junior for
Calvert County, Mr Philip Hoskins Major James Smallwood,
Mr Henry Hawkins and Mr Benjn Hall, for Charles County,
Mr Thomas Staley, Mr George Ashman and Mr John Hall, for
Baltemore County.